Set Up in Farming

We assist in set up new entants into farming. Application for Herd and Flock Number (ER1) form completed

  • You need to either own land or
  • Have land on a long term lease i.e. at least 5 years to be allowed have a Herd/Flock Number
  • You must have facilities to handle the cattle/sheep you propose to keep
  • You need to have a Veterinary Practitioner identified on the form to carry out herd testing and treat any sick animals

Application to National Reserve for Single Farm Payment (SFP) Entitlements

  • For young farmers (under 35), a certificate to prove a qualification in Agriculture (Level 6 or higher) must be produced or
  • For farmers over 35, it is assumed that they have sufficient experience in farming

First application for Single Farm Payment (SFP) and Disadvantaged Areas Scheme (DAS) payment

If you require more information please phone the office today on 0749130772 for your free appointment

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Set Up in Farming