Dairy and Beef Herd Screen

We offer a range of screen services for your beef or dairy herd throughout North West of Ireland

  • Animal Health Diagnostics

    A comprehensive range of diagnostic services related to animal health and animal nuturition. Tests carried out on a range of different sample types:- Individual animal- blood, milk, ear notch Herd or group of animals- bulk-tank milk, pooled milk, pooled blood.

  • Animal disease and parasite tests available

    Viral: Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
    Bacterial: Mycobacterium avium paratubculosis ("Johne's disease) Mycoplasma bovis Salmonella Leptospirosis
    Protozoan: Neospora caninum
    Parasite: Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)

  • Animal nutrition tests available

    Milk: Milk mineral profile Milk Urea Nitrogen
    Blood: Blood mineral profile
    Forages and Feedstuffs: Full suite of tests available to determine nutrional value of pasture, ensiled forages and concentrate feeds.

  • Dairy herd disease screen

    Service based on bulk milk samples collected 3 times per year (100% spring-calving) or 4 times per year (spring and autumn calving). Milk samples should be taken during milk collection to give a representative sample of the whole herd. Details of all vaccinations (vaccine product, name and dates of vaccinations) must be provided on the sample submission sheet.

This is the most comprehensive dairy herd health screen available. It is recommended for all dairy farmers

Antibody by ELISA (herd exposed to diease/ vaccination)/ DNA/ RNA by PCR (active disease in herd)

  1. Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV)
  2. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis(IBR)*
  3. Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis
  4. Mycoplasma bovis
  5. Salmonella
  6. Leptospirosis
  7. Neospora caninum

Antibody by ELISA (herd exposed to parasite/ possible parasite load)

  • Fasciola hepatica(liver fluke)
  • Osteragia ostertagi(stomach worms)

* If herd is not vaccinated, an indirect IBR ELISA will be used. If gE deleted marker vaccine for IBR is used, a gE antibody ELISA test will be used.

Suckler-beef herd disease screen

Service based on pooled blood samples collected 3 times per year (100% spring calving) or 4 times per year (spring and autumn calving).

Blood (serum or heparinised plasma) samples should be collected by the practicing veterinarian from a representative sample of each management group as outlined below.

Details of all vaccinations (vaccines product names and dates of vaccinations ) must be provided on the sample submission sheet.

Herd sizeNo. of animals to be sampled

Antibody by ElISA/ DNA/ RNA by PCR

  • BVD
  • IBR
  • Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis
  • Mycoplasma bovis
  • Salmonella
  • Leptospiris
  • Neospora caninum
  • Fasciola hepatica(liver fluke)

For more information on our screening services, please phone our office today on 074 9130772 or fill in an appointment form.

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Dairy and Beef Herd Screen